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Tuni11’s Affiliate Program!


We've got some VERY exciting news! We've just launched Tun11’s Affiliate Program!


Earn per artist referral who signs up on

Affiliate Payouts ($100 after the artist completes 3 songs, paid out via PayPal). 


Step 1: Refer Artists to sign up using this Link

It's absolutely free to become a Tuni11 Affiliate! You must fill out and sign a W-9 form and submit it to


IMPORTANT Artists must mention your name on the Artist Application when they sign up otherwise, you won’t get the credit.


Step 2: Copy the Tuni11 Link and Put It Where People Can See It!


Add our link to your social media, link in bios, your website, newsletters, text it to friends, family, whatever! The more you share the link, the more opportunities you'll have to earn from sign-ups. Once an artist signs up under the provided link and has mentioned your name in the referral section of the Artist Application and has completed approved songs, you'll receive your commission at the end of the month of the artist completing their 3 songs!


Step 3: Don't Just Share to Earn, Share to Promote The Value Tuni11 Truly Provides!


Tuni11 wants to create opportunities for music creators! We're not in this for the money, we're in this to change the landscape of how artists can earn income, build an authentic fan base, get educated in the music business, and most importantly build a music community. This means knowing what we offer so you can properly share it with your audience. 

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